The Benefits of Adding Vitamin K to Your Skincare Routine
The Benefits of Adding Vitamin K to Your Skincare Routine https://dminj.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/GettyImages-1124649059.jpg 535 489 DMI - Personal Care https://dminj.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/GettyImages-1124649059.jpgWe often hear people rave about the benefits of vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin B-12, but what about vitamin K? If you’re curious to discover the hidden benefits of vitamin K, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s take a look at how vitamin K can help your skin shine bright.
Key Reasons Vitamin K Creates Beautiful Looking Skin
Vitamin K is an essential fat-soluble that’s broken down into two forms: phylloquinones and menaquinones. Phylloquinones are found in leafy green vegetables while menaquinones are found in certain animal fats, fermented foods, and in “good” bacteria produced by the human body. The vitamin plays a vital role in ensuring our bodies function correctly by aiding in the process of blood clotting to heal wounds, scrapes, and cuts.
While vitamin K is beneficial to the body internally, it can also be used as a topical cream, moisturizer, or serum to create beautiful-looking skin. Here are the key reasons why you should use vitamin K in your skincare products.
Promotes a Youthful Complexion
As a beauty brand, you want your formulas to deliver nutrient-boosting benefits with a powerful punch. Vitamin K does just that by improving the skin’s elasticity and softening the appearance of bruising, puffiness, aging, and dark circles. And with its wound-healing and collagen producing capabilities, vitamin K can help you create beauty products that help encourage a more youthful complexion.
Reduces and Soothes Inflammation
Because vitamin K is anti-inflammatory and an antioxidant, it has the potential to help soothe certain skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. Continuing research is still being conducted to further understand how the nourishing vitamin benefits other skin types.
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Does your skincare brand require a contract manufacturer to formulate, develop, and manufacture your products? DMI is ready to bring your products to life. Contact us today to start the journey of all journeys.